Goodbye 2020

December 31, 2020 at 8:21 am

For many of us, 2020 was the crappiest year of our lives; I don’t need to say much about it here.

My year was pretty easy compared to many people – I didn’t lose my job, or my house, or my health. And, compared to the vast majority of humans throughout history, this “bad year” wasn’t so hard for many of us. As rough as things were, it wasn’t as bad as the Black Death, the Great Famine, or a World War.

The thing that was hard for me this year was to see first hand just how selfish and pig-headed humans can be. I suppose the fault is my own, since until this year, I believed that most people were good and capable of sympathy. Covid took many lives in 2020; yet the damage to our world by self-serving human interest rages on.

But it’s New Year’s Eve, so I suppose we should be looking forward with some sort of optimism. I’m just not feeling it yet. So, how about György Ligeti‘s “Volumina” for a Goodbye 2020 Jam:
